
Medicare Hospital Market Service Area Definitions

Hospital specific information in this report is from the Medicare Hospital Market Service Area File which is updated annually by CMS. The file includes Medicare discharges, patient days, and gross charges by ZIP code for each hospital. Data are based on 100% of all Medicare claims (i.e. both fee-for-service and Medicare Advantage) during a calendar year. The market share is calculated by comparison with all other hospitals having Medicare discharges from the ZIP code (i.e. the hospital's discharges from a zip code as a percentage of total discharges to all hospitals from the zip code).

PLEASE NOTE: Data derived from the Hospital Market Service Area File are not equivalent to MedPAR claims data used elsewhere by ahd.com. This is due to differences in reporting periods (i.e. calendar year vs. fiscal year) and differences in patient populations reported (i.e. all Medicare claims vs. only fee-for-service claims).

ZIP code specific demographic information in this report comes from the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey data set. Specifically, the five year average file is in use for this data and is updated annually.