Ambulatory Surgery Center Profiler

Quick Search

Enter keywords to look up an ASC. Just a few letters of a keyword may be needed. For example, to look up an ASC in Cleveland, Ohio simply key in "clev oh" and you will see all ASCs that match. (The list appears after there are fewer than 50 matches so refine your keywords if necessary.) Keywords can pertain to an ASC's name, city, and/or state. Common abbreviations can also be used. Click on a listed ASC to see its information profile. Subscribers may also enter an ASC's National Provider Identifier (NPI) or CMS Facility ID.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search enables ASCs to be looked up according to some of their characteristics such as:

This search is useful in identifying ASCs within a geographic area such as a region. All ASCs meeting the criteria entered can also be mapped.

Navigating searches and search results

At any time, you may return to searches by clicking "Search" under the app title. Likewise, after you have performed an Advanced Search, you may return to your Advanced Search Results by clicking "Results" under the app title.

ASC app breadcrumb navigation

You may export your search results and profile reports to both Excel and PDF format, as well as a printer-friendly format, by clicking one of the three icons to the right of the Apps selector.

export options