
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I look up a hospital?

There are two search tools in the control box at the top of this page. The "Quick Search" lets you enter keywords to identify the hospital you're looking for. In fact, usually just a few letters of those keywords will work. For example, to look up The Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio simply key in "clev clin" and you will see a dropdown list of several hospitals that match your search. Then just click on the one you want. (Keywords can pertain to a hospital's name, city, and/or state. Either word fragments or common abbreviations are generally acceptable.)

The other way to look up a hospital is by using the "Advanced Search" above. Click the Search button and you will be shown a form where you can enter criteria identifying the hospital(s) you're interested in. For example, if you enter "cleveland" as the city you will be see a list of hospitals in cities named Cleveland. Then just select the one you want.

(Sometimes you may need to refine your search criteria since searches will not return a list of more than 50 hospitals.)

How do I see the Free Hospital Profile?

The Free Hospital Profile is displayed when you click on a hospital listed by either the Quick Search or the Advanced Search. To look up other hospitals you can do another Quick Search, do another Advanced Search, or go back to the list of results from your last search by clicking the Results button. Once a hospital has been selected, a row of blue report buttons (including the FREE Profile) appear in the top control panel.

What about all the other buttons?

Feel free to explore the other reports and features that are available to subscribers. You'll notice that search fields and report data are suppressed if they're only available to subscribers. You can, however, see the range of data and reporting formats available.