
Profile Compare

  • Financial data for hospital cost report period ending 12/31/2022 (HCRIS 745970 - 2010).
  • Use of this app implies acceptance of App License Agreement.
  • This app is licensed for 12 months from the purchase date
    Information is continually updated as new data become available.

Westborough Behavioral Healthcare Hospital

Westborough, MA  01581
CMS Certification Number: 224044
App Options

Acute Utilization Statistics


Hospital Statistics
Westborough Behavioral Healthcare Hospital
Comparative Statistics
National Average
Total Average
Routine Services ### ### ###
Total Acute ### ### ###
Total Complex ### ### ###


Hospital Statistics
Westborough Behavioral Healthcare Hospital
Comparative Statistics
National Average
Total Average
Routine Services ### ### ###
Total Acute ### ### ###
Total Complex ### ### ###

Inpatient Days by Payor

Hospital Statistics
Westborough Behavioral Healthcare Hospital
Comparative Statistics
National Average
Total Average
Routine Services ### ### ###
Total Acute ### ### ###
Total Complex ### ### ###
Routine Services ### ### ###
Total Acute ### ### ###
Total Complex ### ### ###
Routine Services ### ### ###
Total Acute ### ### ###
Total Complex ### ### ###
All Payors
Routine Services ### ### ###
Total Acute ### ### ###
Total Complex ### ### ###

Inpatient Statistics by Payor

Hospital Statistics
Westborough Behavioral Healthcare Hospital
Comparative Statistics
National Average
Total Average
Discharges ### ### ###
ALOS ### ### ###
Discharges ### ### ###
ALOS ### ### ###
Discharges ### ### ###
ALOS ### ### ###
All Payors
Discharges ### ### ###
ALOS ### ### ###

Gross Patient Revenue by Payor

Hospital Statistics
Westborough Behavioral Healthcare Hospital
Comparative Statistics
National Average
Total Average
Medicare ### ### ###
Other ### ### ###
Total ### ### ###

Estimated Patient Volumes

Hospital Statistics
Westborough Behavioral Healthcare Hospital
Comparative Statistics
National Average
Total Average
Inpatient Surgeries ### ###
Outpatient Surgeries ### ###
Births ### ###
Outpatient Visits ### ###
Emergency Room (Not Admitted) ### ###
Emergency Room (Admitted) ### ###